Curious about the Apartheid Free Zone (AFZ) campaign or the AFZ community? You’re not alone! We’ve compiled answers to some of the most common questions we receive to help guide you in understanding what it means to become an Apartheid Free Zone, how you can get involved, and what to expect as part of this growing global movement.
This list will continue to grow as we receive new questions from people, businesses, and institutions like you, so check back regularly for updates. If you don’t see your question here, feel free to reach out to our team.
Commitment and trust are the foundation of the AFZ community, and while we value every expression of support, the minimum requirements for joining as an AFZ are essential.
We set these requirements carefully to ensure that each member shares the same baseline commitment, which protects the efforts of those who already uphold these standards.
Becoming an AFZ is a meaningful step in disentangling from systems of oppression, and the minimum requirements are designed to make this process accessible to genuinely committed organisations. Allowing exceptions would not only undermine these principles but also risk weakening the unified definition of AFZs worldwide. Therefore, the answer is: no.
There is so much more that every community member - AFZ or individual - can do to go beyond the campaign’s minimum requirements.
While we’re working on resources to guide these extra steps, we encourage you to reach out so we can help find opportunities that fit your interests and capacities. For instance, you might bring other potential AFZs into the network, or connect with existing AFZs to collaborate - perhaps exploring new ethical suppliers for commercial needs or organising joint actions like class-action initiatives.
You could also assess your financial services, such as your bank, health insurance, investment choices, and pension provider, to ensure they align with the campaign’s values. And of course, if you’re interested in hosting events or contributing to developing campaign modules that have been left generic in this early stage, we would love to hear from you.
We get it - cutting all ties with oppressive systems can feel overwhelming, especially for a Commercial AFZ.
But starting somewhere is what counts, and we’re here to support you. Initially, we’ll provide a targeted list of must-boycott companies to help you meet the minimum requirements, along with a broader list of should-boycott entities for those aiming to go further. Soon, we’ll also be rolling out a dedicated support tool to make navigating boycott resources even easier.
In the meantime, don’t hesitate to reach out with questions; we’re here to help you every step of the way.
BDS is a peaceful movement, rooted in international law, advocating for human rights and equality through its three core demands: ending the occupation of Palestinian territories, ensuring equal rights for Palestinians, and respecting the right of return for Palestinian refugees.
In the Netherlands, BDS is recognised as an official ANBI (Public Benefit Organisation), underscoring its legitimacy as a nonviolent initiative. Furthermore, calling for boycotts is a lawful expression of free speech and assembly, rights that are enshrined in Dutch law and have been explicitly supported by a former Minister of Internal Affairs.
While questions about funding can arise due to the contentious nature of public debate around BDS, these concerns are not rooted in the legality or ethics of our work but rather in political sensitivities, which are inevitable anyway.